
To view more images from this portfolio, please select the next page at the end of this page.

If you need information about our capabilities or services, please feel free to contact us.


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Jim Cunningham Photography Client List

• The Allegheny
• Art Effects Design
• Bechtel Corp.
• Blattner Brunner
• Brentwood Bank
• Bucyrus USA
• Carbide Graphite
• Copperweld Corp.
• Corporate Design
• Design Alliance
• The Diocese of
• EKATO Corp.
• Electrolux
• ERGON Refineries
• Federated Investors
• Grove City College
• Grubb & Ellis Mgmt.
• Health America
• Heinz USA
• The Mentoring
• Merrill Lynch
• Michael Robert
• Mizrahi Design
• NEP Broadcasting
• Norfolk Southern
• Osram Sylvania
• Perkins Eastman
• Pittsburgh
   Convention &
   Visitors Bureau
• Pittsburgh Penguins
• PPG Industries
• Rexall Sundown
• SSAB Hardox
• Sullair Compressors
• Thermo Electron
• Westinghouse
• Wier Minerals

We look forward to assisting your business or company with all of your photography needs.

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