Photography Johnstown PA

The best advantage for being a Corporate Industrial photographer is that you follow a subject after your own heart, do a great deal of research on graphic arts and get into this work in a pro way. In addition you get to make a good deal. Commercial photography is a very moneymaking, well paid practice. […]

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Photography State College

[minor] [major] The best advantage of being a Industrial photographer is that you follow a subject after your own heart, do a lot of research on graphic arts and get into this work in a professional way. Plus you get to earn rather a lot. Corporate photography is a very compensating, well paid specialization. If […]

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Photography State College PA

[minor] [major] The biggest advantage for being a Corporate Industrial cameraman is that you follow a subject after your own heart, do a great deal of research on graphic arts and enter into this field in a pro way. Plus you get to earn your wages. Industrial photography is a very rewarding, well paid line […]

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Photography Harrisburg PA

[minor] [major] The biggest advantage of being a Corporate Industrial photographer is that you follow a subject after your own heart, do lots of research on the field and enter into this career in a professional way. In addition you get to make a lot. Corporate photography is a very rewarding, well paid line of […]

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Photography Bethlehem PA

[minor] [major] The most significant advantage for being a Corporate cameraman is that you follow a subject after your own heart, do lots and lots of research on graphic arts and get into this work in a pro way. In addition you get to make your wages. Commercial photography is a very lucrative, well paid […]

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If you need information about our capabilities or services, please feel free to contact us.


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Jim Cunningham Photography Client List

• The Allegheny
• Art Effects Design
• Bechtel Corp.
• Blattner Brunner
• Brentwood Bank
• Bucyrus USA
• Carbide Graphite
• Copperweld Corp.
• Corporate Design
• Design Alliance
• The Diocese of
• EKATO Corp.
• Electrolux
• ERGON Refineries
• Federated Investors
• Grove City College
• Grubb & Ellis Mgmt.
• Health America
• Heinz USA
• The Mentoring
• Merrill Lynch
• Michael Robert
• Mizrahi Design
• NEP Broadcasting
• Norfolk Southern
• Osram Sylvania
• Perkins Eastman
• Pittsburgh
   Convention &
   Visitors Bureau
• Pittsburgh Penguins
• PPG Industries
• Rexall Sundown
• SSAB Hardox
• Sullair Compressors
• Thermo Electron
• Westinghouse
• Wier Minerals

We look forward to assisting your business or company with all of your photography needs.

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